Why is Insulation Important?

Thermal insulation stops the movement of heat. Heat likes to move from warm zones to cool zones, as it tries to even the temperatures in both areas. This means that, in winter, the hot air inside your home tries to escape outside where it is colder. In summer, hot air tries to move inside where it is cooler.

R Values

The term R-Value is the most popular term used to measure various insulating materials. Unfortunately, what is printed on the bag or on the material itself often gives a poor representation of how the product performs in the field.

In order to better understand how insulating products work it is important to understand what R-Values measure. R-Value is the measurement of resistance of heat flow through a particular product. The higher the R-Value, the greater the product’s resistance to heat transfer.

A number of other terms are used when describing a products energy rating:

Thermal Mass 

Thermal mass, such as wood or concrete, acts as a heat sink or storage. However, high density products (such as concrete) tend to have a lower R value as heat can transfer more easily through it.

Advertised R-Value

This is the manufacturer’s stated R-Value for the product as it is tested.

This R-Value is often never achieved in real world applications. Batt type insulation needs a space to fully expand into in order to achieve its stated R-Value. In practice, when insulation is installed it is compressed thereby reducing its stated R-Value.

Therefore, doubling up the thickness of Batts may not double the overall R value. Eurothane GP will not compress so the R value is in fact the stated value. Batts will sag over time but Eurothane GP does not.

Thermal Breaks

Thermal breaks occur when a conductive material is placed in a wall and comes in contact with the two outer skins of the wall. An example of a thermal break is the studs in a typical frame wall.

It is important to note that metal studs “conduct” cold much more effectively than wood. The answer is to wrap the building with Eurothane PIR insulation boards on the outside of the studs and over the top of rafters, creating a complete thermal envelope.

When choosing methods to insulate your home, the products with the greatest return on investment are those products with little or no thermal breaks, that have a high resistance to heat transfer and that can be installed in a manner that conforms to their true R-Value.

Eurothane GP consistently performs to its stated R-Value when used in home construction, giving you the greatest value for your money and the highest return on your investment.

Aged R-Value

Aged R-Value is the long term R-Value of a given insulator. Many factors can affect the long term performance of an insulation product, including dirt, settling, moisture absorption, UV rays, and out gassing.

Eurothane has a foil facing on both sides which eliminates any out gassing and reduction in R-Value maintaining its outstanding stated R-Value performance.

Cold House and Impact on Health

The indoor environment has a significant effect on our health. Cold, damp, and mouldy homes can lead to respiratory illness and stress for old, sick or very young people. Some species of mould can also produce toxic substances and cause allergies, skin irritation and aggravate asthma.

The World Health Organisation recommend a minimum indoor temperature of 18°c, and ideally 21°c if there are babies or elderly people in the house. The average daily indoor temperature in the winter for most New Zealand Homes is just 16°c.

Insulation and effective heating makes a significant difference. Research projects by University of Otago and Victoria University have made it clear that insulation makes homes warmer and drier and as a result, the health of occupants improves.